TMSC Consulting SVCS, LLC Developmental Consulting Division

Senior Writer and Editor has Pulitzer Center Citizen Journalism Award 2nd Place and is a Member of Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology

Theodore Butler: The World’s Foremost Silver Expert from Investment Rarities Incorporated



According to analyst, Theodore Butler, Silver Is Special:

“Silver has properties that make it unique and irreplaceable for industry. Nothing else combines strength with softness that allows it to be formed and stretched. Nothing conducts electricity as well or is malleable, fatigue resistant, wettable and corrosion resistant. Nothing else has such high tensile strength, is wear resistant, has such a long functional life or is as light sensitive. It endures temperature extremes, conducts heat, reflects light, provides catalytic action, is bactericidal and reduces friction. It alloys and has chemical stability. From this you can see that silver can’t be substituted. It has too many unique properties.”

For current prices on the Investment Rarities Incorporated’s Silver Products:


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  tmscconsultingservices wrote @

Best Digital Cameras, thank you for the comment, I hope you continue to enjoy the post, information, and articles from TMSC Consulting SVCS, LLC Developmental Divsion.

  straydog01 wrote @

A great place to invest in silver and gold is at Silver Saver. It’s like a savings account that is held in PHYSICAL silver and gold and ALLOCATED and TITLED in your name. Great place to save and invest in preparation of the continued collapse of the dollar. Check it out at the following link and let me know what you think. Take care.

  tmscconsultingservices wrote @

straydog01, thanks for the comment and link, hope my readers can use it. TMSC Consulting SVCS, LLC Developmental Division

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