TMSC Consulting SVCS, LLC Developmental Consulting Division

Senior Writer and Editor has Pulitzer Center Citizen Journalism Award 2nd Place and is a Member of Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology

Archive for NAACP and Hollywood

TV Networks: The Sci-Fi Channel, What is it?

The Sci Fi channel has shows about fantasy science and scary ghost and spirit stories. From space to under the ocean. The shows range from new to the 1940s and 1950s. The shows discuss ancient historical people, myths, and legends. Some of the shows look military. And concepts that are new or are far from the ability to imagine. The concepts are considered for individuals from ages 18 and up because of the science that is considered higher developmental cognitive level.

The Sci-Fi channel shows do not include some minorities actors. The Sci-Fi channel could do a better job of including other cultures in the casts. The writers may need to remember that it is 2008. The United States of America has many cultures now. We no longer are a melting pot, we are now a “Mosaic”, bringing our culture with us.

The commercial programing includes: super store shopping, car insurance, male beauty products, over the counter medications, and fast food. The daytime programing is oriented toward men and the evening programing is a little “scary”.

Because of the fight scenes, violence, scary looking characters the some of the shows are not good for unsupervised children. There are a few shows that are appropriate for all ages, it is recommended that parents monitor this station, and at the end of the show have another activity or program to turn to.

I use a “7 Star” system to rate the channels value for “6 categories”, 1. Education, 2. Family, 3. Singles, 4. Married, 5. Entertainment, 6. Children

The Sci-Fi Channel Rates:

  1. Education: 3 Stars
  2. Family: 4 Stars (Violence, concepts that need explanation)
  3. Singles: 7 Stars
  4. Married: 7 Stars
  5. Entertainment: 6 Stars
  6. Children: 2 Stars (Violence, concepts that need explanation)

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Update: LA Times Article 12/19/2008

The NAACP sees the TV, too.  The President Kweisi Mfume has brought up issues of miniority hiring in Hollywood since 1999, it is 2008.

The LA Times today aknowledges the underrepresentation of minorities in Hollywood and the failure of Hollywood to embrace “multiculturalism.”