TMSC Consulting SVCS, LLC Developmental Consulting Division

Senior Writer and Editor has Pulitzer Center Citizen Journalism Award 2nd Place and is a Member of Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology

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Book Review: Super Parenting Raising The Next Generation by Jacqueline P. Scott, Ed.D., M.B.A. and Olympia Ranee Scott

Have a dictionary ready, Super Parenting is a learning experience. New terms and ideas, the book is to raise the next generation. The twelve chapters are the handbook that did not come with your child:
1. Chapter One: What is SUPER Parenting?
2. Chapter Two: The Root of it All
3. Chapter Three: Physical Development
4. Chapter Four: Healthy Nutrition
5. Chapter Five: Mental Developmental
6. Chapter Six: Social-Emotional Development
7. Chapter Seven: The Nine Temperaments
8. Chapter Eight: Parenting Styles
9. Chapter Nine: Communication
10. Chapter Ten: Effective Discipline
11. Chapter Eleven: Child Safety
12. Chapter Twelve: Conclusion

To get the book, go to and don’t forget to have your credit card or checking account ready to order.

Enjoy learning and understanding that Super may not mean Perfect. Good Luck Parents!

The Senates Response to Contaminated Food: A New FDA After 70 Years


This article is endorsed by The Writings of African-Americans, Best Blogs 2010 by Blogged in Crisis Reporting by Tres Mali Scott, M.Ed., M.S., Ph.D. (ABD).

70 years since the last overhaul of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A transformation from primarily responding to crises and reacting to outbreaks and recalls to a prevention watchdog. This is an effort to increase protection against contaminated food, including food that comes from abroad and other countries. Crisis reporting agencies have been reporting raw sewage being dumped next to growing vegetables and water contaminated with human waste. Some of this water may also be used in food packaging and production.

The Los Angeles Times Wednesday, December 1, 2010 article Senate OKs bill on food safety, states that this bipartisan effort gives the government new tools for protecting consumers against tainted fruits, vegetables, eggs and other foods.

This Senate response is timely considering the recent reports on foreign food production sanitation issues.

Are Angel Beings Now Looking At The Space Shuttle?



Internationally recognized psychic , M.Ed., M.S., ABD has reported that, on May 21, 2010 she had a psychic or supernatural vision, of what the Roman Catholic Church calls Saint Rafael, an Angel Being and the Space Shuttle.

Theodore Butler: The World’s Foremost Silver Expert from Investment Rarities Incorporated



According to analyst, Theodore Butler, Silver Is Special:

“Silver has properties that make it unique and irreplaceable for industry. Nothing else combines strength with softness that allows it to be formed and stretched. Nothing conducts electricity as well or is malleable, fatigue resistant, wettable and corrosion resistant. Nothing else has such high tensile strength, is wear resistant, has such a long functional life or is as light sensitive. It endures temperature extremes, conducts heat, reflects light, provides catalytic action, is bactericidal and reduces friction. It alloys and has chemical stability. From this you can see that silver can’t be substituted. It has too many unique properties.”

For current prices on the Investment Rarities Incorporated’s Silver Products: